Small Domestic Appliances
Seasonal Heating and Cooling
Consumer Electronics
Electrical Hardware
Domestic and Novelty Lighting
Small Domestic Appliances
We offer highly innovative, reliable and competitive products that suit your need. GSM have been working closely with partner factories to improve the design and speed to the market.
GSM also has the most comprehensive range of party/novelty products available that excites our customers every year.
Our Small Domestic Appliances are marketed under the following brands:
Bellini- Italian design origin with major emphasis on Stainless Steel finished. High street quality with competitive retail pricing.
Mistral- Ranges from Mistral Everyday to Mistral Professional to reflect the comprehensiveness of our Mistral range.
Mistral has long been the established brand in Australia/NZ that symbolises loyalty and reliability.
Chief- The most trusted cookware brand that extends to Small Domestic Appliances that offer middle range products to the mass market.
Living Essential- Everyday kitchen's need with affordable pricing.